为了促进重点实验室的对外合作交流,2020年11月18日至12月23日,实验室邀请来自Luleå University of Technology的张平博士开展了关于“Rock support for underground constructions——Principles and their application”的系列学术讲座。报告会由重点实验室学术委员会秘书刘乃飞老师主持,重点实验室的近百名师生参加了该系列讲座。
历时6期的系列讲座主要包括:1) Brief introduction of Luleå University of Technology、Short course introduction、Rock support classification;2)Rock support classification、Mechanics of rock support;3)Performance of rock support;4)Rock support design methods;5)Rock support applications;6)Rock support applications、Summary of the course、Future collaboration。讲座过程中,张老师不仅给大家介绍了大量新颖的地下洞室的支护方式及其作用机理,同时也让同学们领略了国外不同的上课模式,此外还让大家对瑞典这个美丽的国家有了直观的认识,为重点实验室和吕勒奥理工大学间架起了合作的桥梁。讲座最后,张博士诚挚要求各位老师和同学前往瑞典开展学术交流,特别是欢迎同学们加入他的科研团队。

Dr. Ping Zhang is a Professor at the Division of Mining and Geotechnical Engineering, Luleå University of Technology (LTU) in Sweden and holds a position as Specialist at the Swedish largest iron ore mining company LKAB too. Dr. Zhang obtained Bachelor (1997), Master (2000) and Ph.D (2004) degrees from Xi′an University of Technology in China and had over 15 years’ research, education, and industry experience.
Prior to joining LTU, he had worked as Guest Researcher at the State Key Laboratory of Frozen Soil Engineering, CAS (2002-2004), Postdoctor at Central South University (2006-2008) and Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor at Hunan University (2004-2010) in China and had worked on geotechnical problems in tunnelling and slope projects. In 2010, Dr. Zhang joined LTU as an Assistant Professor of Rock Mechanics. Since then, he has obtained funding from EU, Vinnova (Sweden’s innovation agency), Formas (Swedish Research Counsil for Sustainable Development), and Swedish mining companies. Since 2008, he has been involved with the design of ground support under rockburst condition for Swedish mining industry. His research interests include rock failure process, rock dynamic mechanics, ground support and numerical analysis. Dr. Zhang is the author/co-author of more than 70 scientific publications.