
渥太华大学Mamadou Fall教授为重点实验室做在线学术报告
2020年12月20日 22:57  点击:[]

  2020年12月19日,应重点实验室邀请,加拿大渥太华大学Mamadou Fall教授在线为实验室师生作了题为《Tailings-based engineered barriers for waste containment》的学术报告。重点实验室及周边院校的百余名师生参加了本次交流,会议由重点实验室首席教授许健老师和学术委员会秘书刘乃飞老师共同主持。

  报告会上,Fall教授首先告诉大家什么是矿山尾料,然后通过大量实际工程案例介绍了现行矿山尾料处理方法的不足之处,特别是溃坝后带来的巨大危害。在此基础上指出,矿山尾料不应被当做废物,而应该成为可利用的宝贵资源,并通过大量的研究实现其变废为宝的华丽转身。Fall 教授课题组分别将水泥、膨润土、高分子聚合物等作为添加材料加入矿山尾料对其进行改性,并通过大量的试验研究了其水、热、力及变形性质,从而将其成功转化为工程建设材料,并应用于公路工程、边坡工程、矿山工程等领域。最后Fall教授还和与会师生进行了热烈的交流与讨论。通过本次报告会,Fall教授不仅给大家带来一场学术盛宴,让大家接触了一个全新的研究领域,而且还加促进了重点实验室和渥太华大学的交流和了解。


  Dr. Fall is a Full Professor in Geotechnical Engineering at the Department of Civil Engineering of the University of Ottawa (Canada), the Associate Chair of the Department of Civil Engineering and the incoming Vice President Technical of the Canadian Geotechnical Society. He was awarded a PhD excellence scholarship for his PhD studies in Germany. Subsequently, he was granted a postdoctoral fellowship by the German Research Foundation and coordinated with the German Research Chair of Environmental Geosciences and Geotechnics.

  Prof. Fall and his team are performing leading edge research in the geotechnical and geoenvironmental fields in close collaboration with the industry, major federal and provincial governmental institutions, and international partners. Prof. Fall has been leading several major research projects that are related to mine waste management, underground disposal of nuclear wastes, transportation geotechnics, geological sequestration of carbon dioxide, landslides, THMC processes in geotechnical systems, geotechnical hazards induced by problem grounds and engineered landfill technology. He is currently supervising a large research team of postdoctoral researchers and graduate students (PhD and Masters).

  Over the years, his research projects have obtained substantial funding from a number of agencies and private companies, and findings of his research group have been used and implemented by the industry, key federal and national agencies, and numerous institutions or organizations worldwide. These research findings and impacts have been recognized by several awards and distinctions as well as have been broadcasted by national and international televisions.

Prof. Fall has been leading or involved in the organization of numerous workshops, seminars, and national and international conferences. He has been repeatedly invited as keynote speaker or lecturer and to participate at various expert committees. He regularly acts as a consultant as well as a reviewer for scientific committees, peer review journals, and funding agencies, at the national and international level. He is author or co-author of over 250 publications (e.g., in peer-reviewed journals, conference proceedings).



版权所有:陕西省岩土与地下空间工程重点实验室 | 站点维护:信息网络中心 | 联系邮箱:ytdxgc@xauat.edu.cn | 联系电话:029-82201582

雁塔校区 地址:西安市碑林区雁塔路中段13号 710055 | 幸福校区 地址:西安市新城区幸福南路109号 710043 | 草堂校区 地址:西安市草堂寺景区草寺东路 710311